
Success rate


participants per course


instructors per course


graduates per year

€ 9991499

excl. VAT and extras


The Dutch Race Driver Academy race course attracts over 250 participants each year, with a 95% success rate for obtaining their racing license. The race course at Circuit Zandvoort lasts only 24 hours, which is especially beneficial for busy professionals. Here are the key advantages of our race course:

  • High Success RateAt the Dutch Race Driver Academy, success is almost guaranteed. 95% of participants pass the practical and theoretical exams and go home with a KNAF racing license after just 24 hours.
  • Developed by ExpertsThe race course was developed by Danny van Dongen, a driver with extensive podium experience. His expertise and knowledge form the foundation of the race course.
  • Professional Guidance: The instructors at the Dutch Race Driver Academy are certified KNAF instructors and have extensive experience as drivers and often boast a well-stocked trophy cabinet. Equally important, they have substantial experience as instructors.
  • Intensive Circuit Training: You learn to race by practicing. Therefore, circuit training comprises the majority of the race course. The maximum of 36 participants receive intensive guidance from our 25 instructors, ensuring you learn quickly and effectively.
  • Unique Experience: The race course is a fun and unique experience. In 24 hours, participants grow into a close-knit team.
  • Growth Opportunities: Do you have your racing license? Then you can advance within the Dutch Race Driver community. You can gain circuit experience at the Dutch Race Driver Business Club and race with the Dutch Race Driver Organisation!


Sign up now for the race course at the leading Racing school of the Netherlands the Dutch Race Driver Academy and obtain your official racing license in just 24 hours at Circuit Zandvoort!

Global program components


Per course there are 20 drivers / instructors to guide you

Circuit training

Extensive briefing job knowledge by instructors


Inns & outs of the rules on and along the track


Putting the theory into practice on the track with the racing car


Provided lunch with the fellow students and instructors

Vehicle control

Provided lunch with the fellow students and instructors

Advice & coaching

Advice and guidance for the follow-up process in car racing


Intensive quality test with a success rate of 95%